Leadership by the Cowpasture

29 December 2023

I recognise the fabulous initiative of students from Hinchinbrook Public School, who recently attended the Leadership by the Cowpasture Conference earlier this year. The Leadership by the Cowpasture conference connects student leaders from across local schools and invites them to develop their leadership skills through a variety of engaging and collaborative activities. This year, Hinchinbrook Public School students worked together on a pitch to their principal, Mrs McCosker, asking that they permitted to organise RUOK day and Autism Awareness Day events at their school, to which she agreed. For Autism Awareness Day, the students sought to raise funds for the Autism Advisory and Support Service through the sale of 600 sensory toys and by asking their peers to wear the colour blue in exchange for a gold coin donation. I congratulate student leaders Ali, Nayesha, Oliver and Alexandra on their efforts, and I extend my appreciation to the Hinchinbrook Public School community for their tremendous generosity.