Bigge Park Anzac Day

14 May 2024

On the 25th of April 1915, soldiers from Australia and New Zealand formed part of the expedition to capture the Gallipoli Peninsula. In remembrance of Australians killed in Gallipoli, April 25th was officially named ANZAC Day in 1916. Since then, ANZAC Day has sought to remember the sacrifice of all Australians killed in military operations. I joined many members of our community for Liverpool's moving ANZAC Day dawn service in Bigge Park, organized by the City of Liverpool RSL Sub Branch. The ANZAC spirit was on full display, with Army personnel leading Liverpool's Catafalque party, and members of Moorebank Squadron of the Australian Air League and Liverpool City Brass Band participating the commemorations. I extend my appreciation to the Liverpool RSL Sub Branch for their efforts in organising the ANZAC Day dawn service and march.